I'm not sure if this is the right place or not, my first post, so please move if not.
I am experiencing instability and crashing of the latest version of the software. I've had it lock up on me a couple of times recently, to where nothing other than cntl-alt-delete will bring my system back, and several times now (doesn't seem a fluke) it's caused a system restart either automatically or forced by me. I'm not seeing this anywhere else right now.
On the crashing I was running DBE and could not get it to recognize keystrokes.. system was chirping at keystrokes. I tried to see if any dialog was open but I couldn't do anything, couldn't move or minimize anything. I couldn't get other programs to the front, basically the system was locked up.
And now several times over the last 10 days, it's locked up while coming back from hibernation or I find a reset system (I come to a system which is clean and nothing running and loosing some work on a project). I went into event viewer but really don't see what might be causing the issue. For the most part I only have a browser open along with PixInsight.
Debug help?