Author Topic: No filter selected and now cannot calibrate.  (Read 1780 times)

Offline alanrock

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No filter selected and now cannot calibrate.
« on: 2018 November 11 10:09:20 »
I was shooting some luminance images last night but forgot to choose "luminance" as the filter type in SGPro, and therefore the information is missing in the FITS header. When I use BPP to calibrate, it gives me an error saying that I haven't selected any flats, even though I have, because the filter type in my flats doesn't match the filter type in my lights (I assume). Is there any way to correct this, or will it work anyway? Thanks.

Offline RickS

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Re: No filter selected and now cannot calibrate.
« Reply #1 on: 2018 November 11 19:14:36 »
Use the button called "Add Custom" (or something similar) to load the lights and you'll be able to add a filter name.
