Try things again - without 'forcing CFA'. That's how I interpretted the error message from your last reply. It seems that PI is being asked to calibrate an image
with a CFA matrix using a deBayered MasterDark
without a CFA matrix.
FlatDarks are so easy to acquire that I see no advantage whatsoever in trying to 'scale' Darks taken with 60-second exposures. Just get an extra set of FlatDark image data, TE-Cooled to -20°C, at the same exposure time as you used for your flats. And, '0.89 second' exposure times? I would likw to see someone justify why 0.89sec was better than "1 sec"
After all, you could have chosen a TE-Cooling temperature of -23.4°C, and an exposure time of 68.1 seconds - but you didn't
An exercise that
would be worth your effort is to have a look at -20°C integrated (but un-calibrated) image data for your OSC in terms of Biases and and 1- or 2-second FlatDarks. What are the ADU ranges of each? What are the statistics for each?
In other words, do you really need those two groups of images at all? If you are prepared to build up a (very) small set of temperature-correlated LightDarks, to match the typical exposure times that you are likely to use to acquire your Lights, then (IMHO) there is no need for Biases, and quite possibly no need for FlatDarks. So, on a typical imaging session, all you would need to acquire would be Flats and Lights. (And, personally, my imaging train remains set up and constant for months, sometimes years, at a time - so I don't really bother about acquiring Flats, although I do, just because they
are so easy to acquire).