Author Topic: PSFImage - Script by Hartmut Bornemann to automate the creation of a PSF profile  (Read 10043 times)

Offline hvb356

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Thanks Rob for pointing me to line 217. The corrected script is ready for download from and from my repository.


TOA-150, ML8300, CFW2-7 w. Astronomik HaLRGB, PDF, EM-400, guiding FS-60 + ST402, ASCOM bsd. image acquisition

Offline Macstronomy

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i have the same issue but as a PI newbie I didn't realise it was an issue - just thought I was doing something wrong.  Like others here, I hunted across all the workspaces looking for the little guy - but it was nowhere that I could find.  So I just pressed the create button again a couple more times and then hey presto - all the images appeared in a little stack in the middle of the workspace.  Perhaps you might like to try this and see if it works for you too.  I think I have the latest version of the script as I have just installed PI on a new PC but will run an update to be sure.