I have searched the forum and I didn't see anything like this, so if I missed it...My apologies.
I had this program installed on my system and everything was working fine. I had it on my 1 TB drive in a directory called: D:/Astrophotography/PixInSight. Well, the drive started to rapidly die and I had to have it replaced. The computer shop was able (or so they thought) to successfully transfer all the files over to the new 1 TB drive. When I tried to start up the program from the start menu, it immediately asking for the CD disc to be put into the drive. I opened and looked in the directory and did not see any executable files that would start the program. I verified the license file was in the root directory and then downloaded the program in the hope that it would repair / replace the missing files. When I tried to start up the program, it acts like it wants to start the install, but then gives me the message: "'Astrophotography' is not a valid short file name" and then aborts the installer. I also tried to install as the Administrator and in the compatibility mode, with no success.
I then removed all the files from the D:/Astrophotography/PixInSight directory and did a complete shutdown and restart of my machine. This did not help and I still am unable to install the program. I again tried to install as the Administrator and in the compatibility mode, with no success.
I am running Windows 7.0 sp 1 X64 with 12Gb of RAM. I have a 500Gb primary drive a 1 Tb internal drive
and a 4 Tb external drive.
I would appreciate any assistance the group can provide!