Author Topic: comet alignment robustness for DATE-OBS  (Read 867 times)

Offline sterne-jaeger

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comet alignment robustness for DATE-OBS
« on: 2018 September 13 07:16:27 »
The fits header DATE-OBS currently causes trouble with comet alignment. If this header contains a trailing timezone info character, the comet alignment module crashes with "unknown exception" when adding files.

Meanwhile I found out that PixInsight follows the FITS specification, but the error message at least is not very helpful.

Although the problem's origin is not PixInsight itself but wrong header data - for example created from the current INDI implementation, it would be better if (a) the module gives a good problem hint and (b) ideally simply ignores the time zone character.

Since 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is observable, many people (like myself) do the first comet alignment and might observe the same problem.