Author Topic: problem applying deconvolution on a DSLR image  (Read 1831 times)

Offline mamr4

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problem applying deconvolution on a DSLR image
« on: 2018 August 19 23:19:38 »
Hello, I have a problem with the deconvolution process. the same process (with the same parameters) produces good results in the duplicate of an image (clone) but produces rings in the stars when I apply it to the original image. Images produced on a DSLR.

What is the difference between an image and its duplicate? why the same deconvolution process produces different results in an image and its duplicate? I'm newbie and have few experience with processing, I assume I am doing something wrong..

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks to all

Offline ngc1535

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Re: problem applying deconvolution on a DSLR image
« Reply #1 on: 2018 August 20 07:55:12 »
Can you verify by looking at your original image's history that there wasn't another process (like you are applying deconvolution twice) that isn't represented in your cloned version?
Without looking at the two images- it would be hard to say... but fundamentally you should eliminate the idea of an image being different than its duplicate. Finding the difference is the key.


Offline mamr4

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Re: problem applying deconvolution on a DSLR image
« Reply #2 on: 2018 August 28 03:46:03 »
Ok. Thanks for the reply adam, much appreciated. I will try find the difference beetwen the image and its duplicate


Offline msmythers

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Re: problem applying deconvolution on a DSLR image
« Reply #3 on: 2018 August 28 08:32:32 »
You might have a mask of some sort directly applied to the original that's not on the duplicate.
