Author Topic: Colorizing HA image  (Read 2335 times)

Offline Farzad_k

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Colorizing HA image
« on: 2018 June 26 08:14:23 »

Expressing my question in another way hopefully I can find someone that can answer my question. :D

I have an image I have developed with HA filter and I had hoped to be able to use this integration to enhance the red channel in the final image that will eventually have R, G and B also included. However, I am not able to proceed past monochrome with what I have and following another thread on the subject, when I make PI think this is a red channel, the entire image, including stars and the black parts of the sky become covered with a red filter. Is this how it is supposed to be or there are other steps that need to be taken that I can research? The advice to the other poster did not go any farther than what I have described.

Thanks in advance.


Offline John Massey

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Re: Colorizing HA image
« Reply #1 on: 2018 June 26 09:01:29 »
This link will help, as it is a little more involved than simply adding Ha to the red channel. I have used this method and it works well.

Offline Farzad_k

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Re: Colorizing HA image
« Reply #2 on: 2018 June 26 17:14:32 »
Thanks for the reply. The link is about combining HA with LRGB. I am sure it can be tweaked, but that could cause confusion. I only have HA data and am looking for a way to bring color into it.
