Author Topic: Soft proofing and exporting for printing?  (Read 1997 times)

Offline kbrown

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Soft proofing and exporting for printing?
« on: 2018 June 18 17:23:26 »

I'm about to send some of my work to be printed professionally but I'm a little unsure about PI's color management and how should I go about soft proofing and exporting my images to be sent to the print company.

I'm running PI on Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop which is a Gnome fork. I've calibrated my monitor using the default desktop tools with a Hughski ColorHug2 colorimeter. The resulting profile is active in my desktop environment and I've also pointed PI's monitor profile setting to this same file. Rest of the PI's color management setup settings are defaults at the moment.

I've downloaded the printing company's ICC profiles for their various print media options. What I do not know is how do I make use of these? How do I soft proof in PI? How do I export my images in a way that is consistent with what I see on my screen?

Thank you in advance!