Hi Juan, all
Congratulations on the excellent evolution of PI. It is truly approaching mega status as the Star of image processing software and I am finding myself using it more and more since V1.4.
I recently tried the mosaic star alignment on Previews and it is excellent! I'm looking forward to using this more.
I have found some problems with 1.5 however. I use the Automatic background extraction a lot with 1.4, but it is no longer with 1.5 (and 1.5.2).
I have a test (300MB) RGB Tiff that I could perform ABE in 5 minutes or so with V1.4. But after upgrading to 1.5, this process now never completes. Taking about 6 hours to get halfway through determining the background samples on channel 1. This first happened to me with V1.5.
After reverting to 1.4, the same process takes only 10 minutes to complete on the same image. I did this because my needs were urgent at the time. Sorry for not reporting it sooner!
Now that 1.5.2 is released, I thought it might be fixed, but undortunately the same problem happens 1.5.2. So now I thought I better report this!
If I perform ABE on a single frame RGB FITS image, (70MB), this takes about 1 minute per channel to complete. Not unreasonable, but a lot slower than V1.4.
When I try to save my extracted result image, I cannot. I use Save-As, the filename and path are valid. I select OK, the Save-As dialog disappears, but the file has not been saved, regardless of selected output type. Fits or Tiff, I have tried.
And when I try to exit PI, it does not exit. The process Icon disappears, however the window stays open and I can still select menu options. About 5 minutes later, I get JIT error "Win32 Exception occurred in PixInsight.exe [3456]".
This happens with both PI 1.5 and 1.5.2, however if I revert to PI 1.4, all is working correctly again.
I'm using XP Pro 64. I followed the installation instructions to de-install 1.4 before installing 1.5.2.
I am really impressed with PI generally and am looking forward to getting this sorted out so I can get right into it!
All the best
Eddie Trimarchi