Author Topic: Apple Mojave deprecating OpenGL (last version that will support it)  (Read 2311 times)

Offline JamieInCLT

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Looks like Mojave will be the last version supporting OpenGL, not sure if the devs have seen this

Deprecation of OpenGL and OpenCL

Apps built using OpenGL and OpenCL will continue to run in macOS 10.14, but these legacy technologies are deprecated in macOS 10.14. Games and graphics-intensive apps that use OpenGL should now adopt Metal. Similarly, apps that use OpenCL for computational tasks should now adopt Metal and Metal Performance Shaders.

Metal is designed from the ground up to provide the best access to the modern GPUs on iOS, macOS, and tvOS devices. Metal avoids the overhead inherent in legacy technologies and exposes the latest graphics processing functionality. Unified support for graphics and compute in Metal lets your apps efficiently utilize the latest rendering techniques. For information about developing apps and games using Metal, see the developer documentation for Metal, Metal Performance Shaders, and MetalKit. For information about migrating OpenGL code to Metal, see Mixing Metal and OpenGL Rendering in a View.

Offline Russ

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I haven't seen an answer to this important question. I imagine that there are a lot of us Mac people using PixInsight, so we would all have a vital interest in the OpenGL question.

Offline FlyingBeagles

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+1 Russ
SCOPE - ES ED102CF APO triplet
MOUNT - Hypertuned AZ EQ6-GT
IMAGING TRAIN - Atik 383L+ Mono > EFW2 (loaded with Astrodon 36mm 5nm Ha OIII and SII + LRGB) > Stellarvue 102 FF/FR > Moonlite w/autofocus
IMAGING SOFTWARE - Sequence Generator Pro

Offline Juan Conejero

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PixInsight uses (and requires) OpenGL to render its graphical user interface on all supported platforms. The PixInsight core application depends on the Qt library for most of its graphics implementations, including the user interface, so we'll support Metal when Qt supports Metal. Hopefully this will happen in the near future since Qt is a critical support library for thousands of free and commercial applications.

Anyway, I seriously doubt that Apple decides to cease to support OpenGL in macOS, even in the long term. Thousands of applications that depend on OpenGL run nicely on macOS, so causing them to cease to work just for this reason is quite absurd.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline FlyingBeagles

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Fingers crossed this is so Juan; I suspect you're right or MacOS might go the way of OS/2 :)
SCOPE - ES ED102CF APO triplet
MOUNT - Hypertuned AZ EQ6-GT
IMAGING TRAIN - Atik 383L+ Mono > EFW2 (loaded with Astrodon 36mm 5nm Ha OIII and SII + LRGB) > Stellarvue 102 FF/FR > Moonlite w/autofocus
IMAGING SOFTWARE - Sequence Generator Pro