Author Topic: Help with HDR Composition - Incompatible image geometry  (Read 1828 times)

Offline m_abukhalid

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Ive been struggling with this for a while now and cant find a solution. I have a widefield framed image with the orion nebula in one corner and the horsehead/flame nebulae in another that Im using as a reference frame. I also have several stacks of the orion nebula (centered) that Ive stacked together to very good result. I would like to use HDR composition process to bring out the added detail in the orion nebula into the widefield frame.

- All the orion images were stacked and then the resulting image was cropped to just keep the orion nebula
- the integrated image was registered against the widefield image I want to use as the reference
- I then tried to use HDR composition with the two images and got the error Incompatible image geometry. I checked the individual files and the registration was done successfully.

Any input would be much appreciated!

Offline m_abukhalid

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Re: Help with HDR Composition - Incompatible image geometry
« Reply #1 on: 2018 May 27 14:21:58 »
so, for anyone that might see this, its not enough to just register the images to get HDR composition to work. Once I cropped them all using the same crop process it worked. Which was strange seeing as all registered images were the exact same size...