Hi there, could really use some suggestions please folks?
I posted here my master luminance flat and resulting master luminance on M101 - 15 x 10minute subs. Can't seem to see how I embed them into the body of this message on the forum??
I have a couple of strange arcs in the image - look to the left of M101 at the 9-10 o'clock position on this picture and see the long, faint arc. This seems to correspond to one of the fainter but larger bunnies on the flat but it is not being removed..... I have this issue with other pictures too and it is ruining my astrophotography and I need to sort it out. Was working fine so not quite sure what's changed.....
Maybe I will try manual pre-processing to see if that sorts it out . I am using BPP.
Flats taken at *approximate* (not identical because how can you do that with autofocus?) focus position of the lights and no movement at all in the rig and focuser. Camera is same temp.
1. Take flats first (whilst getting darker - pretty dark when I take them with obs roof on)
2. Start lights
3. Meridian flip occurs and lights capture continues.
In Pixinsght I add all sub frames and I select one - the best - light to act as the reference.
It's my understanding that only one set of flats required and that registration will sort it all out i I don't need different flays either side of the Meridian??? Yet, I get some strange arcs and artefacts still. Should the reference frame correspond to the orientation of most of the lights or does it not matter?
Any ideas please?
Steve (at wits end)