to be honest i think that the problem here is that there's something wrong with the calibration of the images. if you zoom in on those subs you'll see that there are black specks all over the place in both images. seems worse in the 16803 image. in the 16200 image there are a lot of what appear to be hot pixels, and what's happening is that the star detector is thinking that many of those hot pixels are stars. faced with loads of bogus stars, SA can't find a match. however, when you define a preview like mike has done, that limits the # stars sent to the RANSAC stage and it does find a match. with images this similar there actually should be no need to define previews so i feel the actual problem is the star detection phase.
so i wonder if the calibration went wrong somehow, either possibly with the darks not matching or perhaps scaled too much.
anyway, i was able to register the 16803 image to the 16200 image by first mirroring the 16803 image as mike did, then without any previews, running SA after increasing Hot Pixel Removal to 2 and Noise Reduction to 2. it actually finds a solution with only hot pixel removal set to 2, but tries a lot harder. by increasing the noise reduction it solves right away.
anyway the flow for debugging problems like these in general is to set SA to "detected stars" mode and see what you get. if there are a bunch of crosshairs on things that aren't stars, it's a GIGO situation. you can try tweaking the star detection parameters to improve the detection quality and go from there.