Author Topic: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras  (Read 5444 times)

Offline sreilly

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Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« on: 2018 May 14 14:47:37 »
So I have an imaging system at home that has a 12.5" OGS RC with a STL-11000 and run a system at SRO for a friend that has an OGS 12.5" RC and STX-16803 camera. At home I use 15 minutes for my 1x1 images and at SRO I use 10 minutes for the same. As far as processing them goes each has their own darks, flats, and so on and done separately as should be and then aligned as such. I experimented this morning and took a group of 6 from each camera on the same target to see how well PI would align them as one group and it did them well without a problem as expected.  It just happens that both sets are at a PA of 0 degrees so there's no rotation but I don't expect that would be a problem if they were different. And I expect that the proper way to combine these images would be by using the HDRComposition process to combine both sets of data. I haven't finished processing all the raw data yet but should have that finished in the next few days hopefully. This is a project I've been working on since last year so there is a ton of data to work with from both sites. But the real question is if these images are in the same range as far as signal is there a real need for HDRComposition? I understand the need when I did M42 but this isn't like that with massively different ranges in signal. Any thoughts?

And for the record for those that don't know, the STX-16803 covers the entire STL-11000 chip with extra area above and below.

OGS 12.5" RC
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Offline msmythers

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #1 on: 2018 May 14 15:20:55 »

I would use ImageIntegration. The tool requires 3 or more file to work and the work around for that is simply to make a copy of each image so you have 4 images. I'm not sure the parameters you would set but it should be fairly straight forward.


Offline pfile

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #2 on: 2018 May 14 15:22:39 »
yes i would also just use II. HDRComposition is really for instances where you have overexposed parts of longer exposures. i doubt you have any overexposed pixels from either system.... right?


Offline RickS

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #3 on: 2018 May 14 15:55:44 »
I regularly combine master integrations from different scopes using ImageIntegration and it works well.

Since you have the same image scale for both sets of data it may be worth attempting to combine the subs from both cameras in a single integration.  I'd try that too and see what produces the best result.


Offline sreilly

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #4 on: 2018 May 15 15:52:50 »
As I get the data reduced I'll start combining and see what the end result is using just the plain vanilla combine and HDRComposition. May prove interesting. I have a ton of data for multiple projects from both systems.

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
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Offline mcgillca

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #5 on: 2018 May 16 08:33:32 »
Dear Steve,

Hi - I've done some experimenting with this in trying to combine data from three different scopes, each with their own cameras etc. I found that Image Integration was NOT the best way to combine the data.

Of the three cameras we had, one had a much lower gain (ADU/electron), and hence a lower signal. Image Integration gave those frames a much higher weight than the other two, despite the fact that the S/N was much the same.

What seemed to be happening was that since the signal was lower, the variance in the signal was a lower, which II took to mean that the image was higher quality (more photons) and hence increased the weight of those subs. This is just a guess, but even if this is not correct, the effect was the same - we were getting too high a weight from the cameras with the lower ADU/electron.

Instead, we developed an alternative approach - the idea is to make sure we equally weight each counted photon (electron). With this approach you don't have to take into account differences in exposure length, or quantum sensitivity since these show up in the counted photons in each sub. However, you do need to take account of the number of subs, the different gains, and the size of the sensors (described by the image scale, arcsec/pixel).

The last one is interesting and a side-effect of the way PI deals with aligning images with different scales. Imagine one camera has a scale of 2"/pixel, the second 1" per pixel and you have aligned the 2"/pixel to the 1" image (which preserves the detail where it exists). The 1"/pixel may have captured 10 photons. All other things being equal, the 2"/arcsec pixel would have captured 40 photons. When aligned to the 1"/pixel image, PI will effectively create 4 sub-pixels, but all with the a signal level corresponding to 40 photons (PI uses a form of interpolation). What this means is that you have to divide by the area of the pixel to take out this effect.

So our process was:
1) Everybody stacked their image with their own flats, lights, darks etc. as required, optimised their own stacking and produced a master.
2) The masters were then aligned to the highest resolution image so as not to lose the fine scale data where we had it.
3) We then combined the images in pixelmath, with a weight equal to: Nsubs/gain/PixelArea

Nsubs - the master contains the "average" number of ADU per sub - multiplying by Nsubs gives you the total ADU detected.
gain - in ADU/electron - dividing the signal by the gain converts to electrons and hence detected photons (if you have a gain in electrons/adu, then multiply by this instead).
PixelArea  - as discussed above. Don't forget to take account of binning (if not 1x1) in determining the area.

This definitely produced better images for us, though since we all processed the images separately, it was obvious that the skill of the processor was more important than the marginal gain we got from optimising the stacking process (and sadly, our best processor used PhotoShop and couldn't really tell us how to improve our processing in PI!).

Hope this helps,

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Offline sreilly

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #6 on: 2018 May 16 09:41:11 »
Hello Colin,

That's an interesting approach. The STL-11000 has A/D Gain of .8e while the STX-16803 has 1.27e. All subs are binned 1x1 and both cameras have 9 micron square pixels and both scopes are the same optical system, 12.5" OGS RCs at f/9. Calculated filed of views show 0.62 arc second per pixel for both. Area is of course different with the STX having all the coverage of the STL plus additional above/below depending on the orientation. The STX has a coverage of 36.8 mmx36.8 mm while the STL is only 36 mm x 24.7 mm. I'll print out your reply and keep in mind when processing.

Thanks for the reply,

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5

Offline blueridgeDSIA

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #7 on: 2018 May 26 19:51:25 »
I hope I'm understanding your situation correctly.  I have been combining data from 2 and 3 cameras at once for about 6 months now, I wish I had seen this post earlier and hopefully this might still be of some use. 

First I create a master registration frame from each camera. 
I pick a few of the best images from each camera and stack these to create a reference frame.

Next I use Star Alignment and select the (register/union - separate) function with (Frame Adaptation) checked. 
This will fit each image to the reference, you may want the reference to contain the highest snr.

Next you use Dynamic Alignment to merge the registered union separate images.  Select image 1 and 2 then select stars in the corners and the center of the image.  You may need to manually train the second image on the first 2 stars.  Run the tool to get a master mosaic.
If there are more than 2 images then you will need to add each consecutive image to the mosaic created by the first 2 images.

Now take your master mosaic and use the registration tool again and re register all of your data to this.  Be sure to keep the Frame Adaptation icon checked.

Finally Integrated everything, I prefer to use linear fits and large scale pixel rejection.  Its a good idea to spend time fine tuning with the roi tool over a small area at this step, especially if you are using several hundred subs.  I have found that this gives me a very clean stack with smooth edge transitions.  If I image over 2 or 3 nights with a dual camera setup, this technique helps out alot.   

Offline pfile

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #8 on: 2018 May 26 21:24:30 »
not sure if this is what the OP is after, but in your case why don't you just use StarGenerator to make a synthetic reference image with the right center coordinates, desired image scale and size and use that instead of the first 3 steps?


Offline blueridgeDSIA

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #9 on: 2018 May 26 21:31:09 »
Ive tried that a few times but the ram maxes out and the computer will just computer for hours.  It never actually registers the image.  Ive tried reducing the magnitude of the stars of the synthetic field but it seems if I go below mag 10, I get an error in star alignment and it wont work.  I think it might be because I am under sampling, but even so I select the fwhm of my stars and have never been able to get it to work.  It would be alot easier if it did though!

Offline pfile

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #10 on: 2018 May 27 09:18:53 »
i guess you can also use the MosaicByCoordinates script which does the same thing internally - i've never had it fail due to resource limitations (in fact i don't think it's ever failed...) but maybe you are dealing with super widefield images? even still i just saw an example of a really wide-field image done with MBC so it should work.


Offline jhayes_tucson

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #11 on: 2018 August 08 17:50:50 »
I'm trying to create an image from two sets of data taken with the same scope.  One set of data was taken with a 16803 sensor and the other was taken with a 16200 sensor.  All of the data is quite clean.  I've calibrated the frames and selected a master image from the 16200 camera.  I cannot figure out how to get the 16803 data rescaled and aligned to the master 16200 frame.  I've tried just about every option that I can think of but the alignment process fails every time with the message:

*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches
<* failed *>

I must be missing something simple.  Can someone tell me how to align the data so that I can integrate the whole set of data?


Offline pfile

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #12 on: 2018 August 08 18:06:40 »
are the FOVs and scale quite different? i guess the 16803 is physically bigger, right?

if so you can open the wider-field image and define a preview on it which approximates the FOV of the other chip (hopefully the wider-field image is the master you're trying to use as the reference) and then set the SA reference to be the view rather than a file on disk. i think "restrict to previews" is checked by default in SA so it will just pick up the preview.

regardless it's a little weird since the pixel size and dimensions of both sensors are somewhat comparable (right?).

you might have to upload a couple of images...


Offline jhayes_tucson

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #13 on: 2018 August 08 20:39:25 »
Thanks for the response.  The 16803 data is 4,000 x 4,000 px with an image scale of 0.478"/px and the 16200 data is 4,500 x 3,600 with an image scale of 0.319"/px.  The 16803 has a wider FOV but I'm trying to align to the narrower FOV so that the 16803 data is up-sampled to match the 16200 data--rather than the other way around.  You can check out two of the files at:


PS  Notice that these two sets of data are mirror imaged.  Back when I took the 16803 data I simply downloaded the raw data from the camera.  Now I apply an image flip to correct for the mirror in the ONAG that I use.  I've tried aligning the data both with and without the flip and neither approach works.  The different image scale appears to be throwing the star matching algorithm off.  I've also tried resampling the 16803 data to the same image scale as the 16200 data but that doesn't work either.  I noticed that the data resolution in the file header doesn't get modified when the image is resampled so that may be what is throwing things off...but who knows?  How do "hints" work.  Maybe that's the secret?
« Last Edit: 2018 August 08 20:55:44 by jhayes_tucson »

Offline msmythers

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #14 on: 2018 August 08 21:51:13 »

I hope this is what you are looking for. I first horizontal mirrored the 16803 image. I then defined a preview in each image in roughly the same location. I set the 16200 image as the reference in StarAlignment and executed StarAlignment on the 16803 image.
