I've been using pixinsight for a few years as my image processing software and I have always struggled with keeping star sizes small. I've tried numerous star reduction methods but I've never been happy with the dimmed fuzzy stars they give me. Some methods I can think of:
MaskedStretch - Copying stars into HistogramTransformation strecthed image (Following Harry's tutorial)
HistogramTransformation - Using Lightness Mask
Post-Sretch Reduction
MorphologicalTransformation - Morphological Selection using starmask
MorphologicalTransformation - Erosion using starmask
Typically I have found that blending the MaskStretch stars in 50-50 with the HistTrans image gives me the best results, but I'm still not happy with the attached.
I have wondered if my equipment is the source of my problems, I have a 200mm f/4 Newtonian & an Atik 428 Mono CCD. This gives me a fast scope with a small field of view, pixel scale is 1.17 arcsecs. I have attached an image of my auto-STF of my Lum stack.
My question would be, can anyone suggest other methods to try to allow me to produce nice tight stars without fuzzy halos?
Thanks in advance,