Hi folks,
I'm facing a philosophy problem with the weighting of my subframes with the said script (or process now). I'm using a full frame DSLR + 200 f/5 newtonian from my backyard in a not too polluted countryside so I have a rather wide field. When I follow the same target along the night the light gradient from the cities around my place slowy diminishes as the target reach the zenith then slowly raise as it passes the meridian.
When I'm then processing my subs, after calibration and debayer I have to weight the subs and this is where I'm facing the problem. My best frames are supposed to be right above my head and not around the horizon, but ,assuming FHWM and eccentricity doesn't change too much, the SubframeSelector will give more weight to the wrong images as it considers that light pollution is useful signal (quick answer: it's not).
I have the same issue with small clouds that will reflect light pollution and will give more weight to a poor quality subframe.
So, how do you deal with it ? I thought removing gradient using DBE or ABE but it can be complicated with lots of subs and potentially add artifacts. I was also thinking weighting only using FHWM and eccentricity but then again, a small cloud passing by will make the subs have smaller stars and then tricking the selector.
Thanks for your time