Haha felt the same way. This is the only item in ALL of AP that NEVER goes on sale... Says alot about the owner.... & why it was cracked recently.
Incorrect - this says more about the users of cracked software.
Futhermore the price of PixInsight has been steadily, and not trivially,
falling since the day it was released - by simple virtue of the fact that it has remained
constant throughout all of its major, and minor, revisions.
PixInsight is therefore effectively on sale
permanently and the price reductions have been 'for all time'. Name a single other AP paclage whose 'sale price'
never returns to its pre-sale value (or less)? Are these 'sale prices' not just indicative of software purveyors just being deperate to get a new user addicted to their methodology?
Really though, at the end of the day PixInsight is worth several times the cost actually charged for it, and there are many users who would have no hesitation in paying even more than they were asked to.
And, whilst names are being named, which AP software is supplied with abosutely no limitations or restrictions, totally free of charge, for a generous 45-day no-quibble trial period?
Just keep in mind that there is no law that states that you
must buy PixInsight - the choice will always be the customer's