Author Topic: Pedestal settings  (Read 2777 times)

Offline Viorel Chita

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Pedestal settings
« on: 2018 March 19 09:58:08 »
I am confused about when and how to specify a Pedestal value during calibration.

First, I noticed that my FITS frames show a “PEDESTAL=-100” header when created with APT (Astro Photography Tool).  Did not see this when using Nebulosity for captures.  I’m using an SBIG-STF-8300C.

What should I do to handle this properly in PI?  Wouldn’t the values used impact the ability of PI to scale darks?
Will it also mean that I can never rely on PI to proper scale darks unless I trust CCD + Driver + Image capture software to provide the right result (pixel values and PEDESTAL)?

Thank you,