So I am attempting my first LRGB image. And honestly , Narrowband processing seems way easier already lol.
I am attempting to follow this process outline (which I found here on the forums, posted by troypiggo)
"Calibrate/integrate subs to get master L, R, G, B
LRGBCombination just the RGB channels
BackgroundNeut and ColorCalibration the RGB image
Stretch the L and RGB images (masked stretch or use the STF function)
Extract the L channel from the RGB image in the Lab color space
Linearfit the extracted L from Lab to the stretched L image
Channel combine the linearfit L back into the RGB image
Then LRGBCombine the L into the RGB image."
my problem is this... at the "Channel Combine the linearfit L back into the RGB image" I am assuming I use "lab" mode for this still, but in the channel source drop downs, my RBG image I used to extract the Lum from, is not available to select, it does not show up in the list of sources at all. and if I try dragging the channel combine process onto the RBG image manually, it tells me that the source image is not found. any suggestions on where I am messing up? LRGB seems like a massive pita compared to the NB processing I have done.. I am hoping I see the light soon. lol
thanks for any and all suggestions and information.