Thank you all for the replies. I was trying to keep the question short and simple but maybe i need to clarify. I have 3 narrow band channels (Ha, SII and OIII) that have been calibrated, aligned, integrated and cleaned up with ABE,etc. I was using the linear fit routine with RGB channel combination (all with linear images) but decided to use pixel math so I could combine the 3 channels with some additional control. For example:
R=0.2*Ha + 0.8*SII
G=0.7*Ha + 0.3*OIII
Prior to combining the images in Pixel Math i moved the images from the linear state to non-linear with Histogram Transform and applied some slight noise reduction.
I'm wondering now if i should have left the images in a linear state and then converted to non-linear after Pixel Math. There is a fair amount of discussion on using Pixel Math to combine images, but it's not clear (at least not to me) if the images should be linear or not to get the best color balance.
Thanks again...