Author Topic: Flaming Skull Nebula  (Read 1012 times)

Offline ngc1535

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Flaming Skull Nebula
« on: 2018 February 04 18:48:15 »

Although I took this image last year, I thought it might be a good idea to post it since I used a recently discussed technique:
(click image to go to the page)

Optics                                        32-inch Schulman Telescope (RC Optical Systems)
Camera                                       SBIG STX 16803
Filters                                          AstroDon Gen II
Date                                            May - 2016
Location                                      Mount Lemmon SkyCenter
Exposures                                  HaLRGB = 12 : 15 : 9 : 9 : 9 hours
Acquisition                                 Astronomy Control Panel (DC3 Dreams), Maxim DL (Cyanogen), FlatMan XL (Alnitak)
Processing                                  Pixinsight
Credit Line & Copyright           Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona

I used Fabian Neyer's technique to remove stars from the H-alpha image. Then when I blended it into the red channel (I used my method of "screen" blending)- I did not have to worry about the Ha contaminating the RGB stars. I think all worked out well and I was very pleased to detect some of the tendrils in this nebula that show up in narrowband imaging so well.


Offline RickS

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Re: Flaming Skull Nebula
« Reply #1 on: 2018 February 04 19:21:56 »
Nice one, Adam!  I almost always do star removal for NB colour these days.

Offline mricard

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Re: Flaming Skull Nebula
« Reply #2 on: 2018 February 04 20:12:40 »
lovely color.