Sorry for not being responsive, but 1.5.2 has all of me right now.
To split channels: ChannelExtraction
To combine channels: ChannelCombination
In general, don't use LRGCombination for this task. This tool is strictly intended to perform LRGB combinations, as its name says. It applies nonlinear transformations which is not what you want.
You can also recombine RGB images using PixelMath, but ChannelCombination is easier.
Note that ChannelCombination can be applied to previews. This means that you can split HSV channels (for example), alter them, then try out the result on a preview (of an image with the same dimensions as the channels; you can either define a preview on the original image or use NewImage to create a new one of the appropriate size).
To split RGB channels, you have a dedicated menu item: Image > Extract > Split RGB Channels, also available on the Image tool bar.
Splitting RGB channels, registering them with StarAlignment and recombining, is in general the best way to fix lateral chromatic aberration. If the aberrations are really wild (so that they can't be described as translation + rotation + scaling), you may consider using DynamicAlignment instead, which allows for arbitrary deformations of any kind.