I get the error below when I run the Photometric Colour Calibration routine - Have checked the RA/Dec and pixel size/focal length are correct, not sure what else to do?
Processing image C:/Users/Craig/AppData/Local/Temp/PCC_T_8VL7YQJLJV3U.xisf
Reading image:
Loading image: w=3040 h=2016 n=3 RGB UInt16
88 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Seed parameters for plate solving:
Image coordinates: RA=05 35 33.800, Dec=-05 16 12.40
Resolution: 0
Starting StarAlignment iteration
Catalog Bright Stars already loaded
Catalog Bright Stars size: 9046 objects
*** Error: Unable to solve the image: Error: Invalid matrix inversion: Singular matrix.
** Warning: Process finished with errors:
PCC_T_8VL7YQJLJV3U.xisf: The image could not be solved
*** Error: Failure to plate solve image: light_BINNING_1_integration
Reading swap files...
610.707 MiB/s
<* failed *>