i see what you mean now. i guess you have to make an argument (which you have) that the semantics of previews are somehow different - after all, a view-generating process like starmask would never overwrite a target image, but in this case you want it to overwrite previews. in that sense it would be no different from the current behavior in that the pixels of the preview get temporarily modified.
i think this probably owes its behavior simply to the norms of computer programming.
generate a view from another view?
object = View1
newView = process(object.Xorigin,object.Yorigin,object.Xmax,object.Ymax)
generate a view from a preview? i already know how to do that!
object = PreView1
newView = process(object.Xorigin,object.Yorigin,object.Xmax,object.Ymax)
i can't read juan's mind, but i would assume that his idea of what a preview is is simply a subregion of a view, and so it behaves the way any other view would. that is what i meant by "not a preview anymore". if a preview works differently than a view under view-generating processes, then it's no longer simply a subregion.