Author Topic: Abnormal Ha Processing Results  (Read 2026 times)

Offline Farzad_k

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Abnormal Ha Processing Results
« on: 2017 December 22 06:36:12 »

I just added an Ha filter to my filter wheel and went out and did about an hour of data collection only on that channel. I didn't do any darks because my camera is cooled and I used an older SuperBias file. I did generate a master Flat file.

There are a couple of strange things that I am noticing. One is that the calibrated files appear to be flipped, and then the integrated (stacked) file has these vertical marks on the frame and I don't know where they could have come from. For that reason, I have posted the image integration parameters and other files here:!Ah4OVuGaaPaosVmVb6ZbOQeuKiH_.

I appreciate any insight on what could be wrong and if this is normal.

