Author Topic: Batch converting FITS to JPG  (Read 2194 times)

Offline fbdiniz

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Batch converting FITS to JPG
« on: 2017 December 17 11:31:30 »
Hello people, I have a set of FITs images that I'd like to batch save to JPG. How can I do that in PI?
I want to make a time lapse movie with those images. The original RAW files have been calibrated with a master dark, hence I have a set of FITs images. I'll be glad if anyone can help me.
Somewhere in this forum I found a script for batch convertion posted by Juan Conejero in 2007, but it gave me an error in line 31.

Offline pfile

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Re: Batch converting FITS to JPG
« Reply #1 on: 2017 December 17 13:23:45 »
there is a script called BatchFormatConversion that can do this. also the Blink process can output PNG files (if i remember correctly), and can output cropped versions if you choose.
