Are you saying that if i add the files rather than the views in the star alignment tool then PixInSight will save the files to disk? If so that's poor design
that is what i am saying.
it is not poor design, it is completely symmetrical design.
load views -> get views as output
load files -> get files as output
no one uses it like you're trying to use it, which is why i was so confused by your question. since we need to register 10s or maybe 100s of files at a time, it's far more advantageous to write the calibrated files to disk, then open them directly from the disk to register them. opening all the calibrated files to the PI workspace would be a colossal waste of time (and one hell of a mess with 10-100 files open in the workspace.)
if you want to figure out which of your calibrated frames are good enough to register, use SubframeSelector and/or Blink to winnow them down.