Author Topic: Using PixInsight for variabel star observations?  (Read 2160 times)

Offline magnusl

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Using PixInsight for variabel star observations?
« on: 2017 December 06 00:55:24 »

I've seen a few older posts on this, so I'm interested in if anyone uses PI and the aperture photometry script for variable star observations, and later for reports to AAVSO or similar organizations. Is it doable, advisable? I'm thinking that since I already use PI and am familiar with the calibration, stacking and so on, it would be handy to use also for variable star observations, a field that I want to engage with.

Or, it might be better to use other packages, like the AAVSO:s VPHOT. Any ideas and expriences appreciated, before launching time consuming experimentation all on my own...:)


Offline kkretzsch

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Re: Using PixInsight for variabel star observations?
« Reply #1 on: 2017 December 06 01:32:22 »
Hi Magnus,
I used the aperture photometry script to measure an exoplanet transit some time ago.

The script is able to automatically measure the (uncalibrated) fluxes of many stars in the field, so that you get a good statistic for your measurement (see picture in tresca database). The result of the script can be exported to .csv format, so that you easily can calculate relative star fluxes and magnitudes from these data. The quality of the data are flagged, e.g. if the statistic is bad, or a second star is too close for a precise measurement.

But I didn't, submit my data to AAVSO or similar, so I don't know, whether theses data comply the requirements of an official AAVSO submission.
