And a follow-up Juan.
I know that there are a LOT of posts already on the PI Forum but, now that you have made the (excellent) upgrade to SMF, a LOT of the links that point to 'Message' or 'Thread' or 'Post' numbers are (obviously) no longer valid.
Is there an 'easy' way that the Forum message 'database' could be 'queried' such that the broken links could be repaired ? (I say 'repaired', because I have not been able to use 'search' to achieve the results I was after - but, then again, I may have been doing something stupid, during my all-to-common 'senior moments' !)
I know that this may be asking a lot, but it would mean that the older posts (which often contain useful information) would still be valid when referred to by newer posts.
Low priority, please, but perhaps worthwhile if other users have encountered the same problems.