Author Topic: Problems with RAW images  (Read 991 times)

Offline fbdiniz

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Problems with RAW images
« on: 2017 November 05 15:54:48 »
Since the update to PixInsight 1.8.5 my RAW images are showing up with a strange pattern in the background. I have a couple of RAW images taken before the update in August, and those RAWs used to show up correctly in the old PÌ. Attached to this post I am sending a print-screen of my PixInsight. The image named "integration" in the back is the Veil Nebula integrated BEFORE the update. Since I kept the original RAW's from that image, I opened one of them with the new PI and did an autostretch in the STF. Take a look at the strange pattern. I just can't integrate the Veil Nebula anymore, because the resulting color is strange. I tryed everything, from performing Debayer to disabling the option "create raw bayer RGB image" in the DSLR_RAW preferences. Nothing works. The same happens to all my images that were not integrated before the update. Any idea of what is going on?

Offline pfile

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Re: Problems with RAW images
« Reply #1 on: 2017 November 05 18:41:08 »
yeah, you have DSLR_RAW configured differently than before the update, that's all.

with DSLR_RAW set to "pure raw", you should be performing the flow in this order: ImageCalibration, Debayer, StarAlignment, ImageIntegration.

if DSLR_RAW is not set to "pure raw" but is instead set to perform some kind of debayering, then the order would be StarAlignment, ImageIntegration. although one might try to do ImageCalibration, StarAlignment, ImageIntegration, trying to run ImageCalibration on pre-debayered images is not technically correct. once interpolation has been performed, the results of ImageCalibration are not correct.


Offline fbdiniz

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Re: Problems with RAW images
« Reply #2 on: 2017 November 06 13:49:48 »
Thank you Rob, it worked! But I had to set "de-bayer RGB" instead of "pure RAW". With pure RAW the colors got very strange, but with "de-bayer RGB" I got a nice integrated image, just like the old times.

Offline pfile

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Re: Problems with RAW images
« Reply #3 on: 2017 November 06 16:14:42 »
great - so just to make sure, you're not trying to calibrate your images, correct? cause you should switch to a 'pure raw' flow with a debayer step if you are.
