I appreciate all your feedback. I'm not ready to provide a new build yet, but I hope to very soon.
I've got the Median, Min, and Max special variables working. It offered me a great chance to refactor how some of that was working into much simpler code.
dld & Vicent,
I've got a histogram working and am working on a cumulative function. I feel that the Empirical Distribution Function makes the most sense given that we have the empirical data, but I've hit a hurdle. I want to show both of these on the same distribution-related graph to save space and since they're strongly related, but this graphing library prefers multiple series to have the same independent axis. As such, a
cumulative histogram seems attractive, except that it would limit the 'resolution' of the cumulative function to the number of bins used in the histogram.
An alternative could be to 'zip' the two series together and provide 'blanks' where either series does not align with the other, it just seems difficult when comparing floating-point numbers and they may not align nicely. Thoughts? I'm just looking for a value or priority on the solutions to compare complexity/benefit of them.
Edit: I've got the union working properly, so an EDF + Histogram is going well.
Thank you for finding that. I'll definitely look into it. I already found another critical bug where a memory leak could happen during the exports. It's in the PCL repository, so if this is released by PTeam before my next update you'll have it then.