Author Topic: Help! completely broken - "Fatal Error - Error writing settings data (timepoint)  (Read 2277 times)

Offline shawnhar

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I had PI open and lots of files building a mosaic, think I got to the end of my swap file or something, only have about 50gig free at the moment. Anywhoo the computer froze up and I had to hard reset with the power button.
 Now I can't use PI.

 I rebooted, same thing, ran repair, same, uninstalled and ran install again, same. Also checked my computer clock and it updated like an hour ago.
There has to be a registry entry causing this, or some temp file

Offline shawnhar

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I thought this was where we are supposed to ask for help regarding this software. Did I post to the wrong place or something?
 I am unable to use the software, it doesn't launch and gives the error in the post title.

Offline RickS

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Sorry, it's not an error I've ever heard of before.  You don't say, but it sounds like you're running Windows.  What version?  Have you done a full filesystem check after the crash?  I'd also try uninstalling and deleting any files left in Program Files\PixInsight (just in case) and maybe deleting any keys that a search on PixInsight turns up in the Registry.


Offline shawnhar

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Thanks Rick, it's Windows 7 pro. I didn't run filesys check but that's a good idea, hadn't thought of that.
 I'll try uninstalling and searching the registry before installing again.