That's what I find - NONE of us 'know everything' - and I often find that I learn somehthing totally unexpected from watching these VidTuts. I remember on one of Juan's early videos where the image was zooming in and out, inexplicably. And then I realised that you could zoom in and out usingthe scroll-wheel on the mouse !!
I almost had a 'gut-feeling' that you hadn't been aware of 'my way' (after all, I hadn't EVER thought about doing it 'your' way). Of course, neither way is 'the' way - it is whatever the user feels most comfortable with, after all.
Hence the desire to 'bang out' a sequel as fast as possible (less than 90 minutes this time, and that included downloading and watching yours twice, making and watching mine three times, uploading to the PI server, proving that my version would download, and then watching the download as final verification)
Hopefully others will stop being 'microphone-shy' and will help us all out with their little tips'n'tricks - Juan can hold 'Los Oscaros' at the end of the year