Decided to try the new photometriccolorcalibration but even thought it identifies lots of stars?
Suggestions.... FL =1400mm pixel size = 0.785
Processing image C:/Users/Lab/AppData/Local/Temp/PCC_T_78U71ZU8K4UY.xisf
Reading image:
Loading image: w=3098 h=2516 n=3 RGB UInt16
6 FITS keyword(s) extracted.
Seed parameters for plate solving:
Image coordinates: RA=05 16 18.840, Dec=+34 27 54.00
Resolution: 0.1149189634805251
Starting StarAlignment iteration
Catalog Gaia already loaded
Catalog Gaia size: 1149 objects
Using the triangle similarity algorithm
Scanning star data: done
235 stars.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
866 stars found.
Matching stars: done
76 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
84 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3