Author Topic: BatchPreprocessing - store avg ccd themp in masters  (Read 1883 times)

Offline moscow

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BatchPreprocessing - store avg ccd themp in masters
« on: 2017 October 01 10:24:20 »

I'm near to javascript programming. And like PixInsight very much!
So... i need one minor feature. I want to add CCD-TEMP fits / xisf header into master bias & dark. Would calculate it just as avg from integrated sources. At modern ccd / cmos camera it means almost same value in avg as in any single.

I would prepare patch in few days and ask to deploy it into next releases. Is it possible?


P.S. Perhaps ImageIntegration must do it?

Offline BorisE

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Re: BatchPreprocessing - store avg ccd themp in masters
« Reply #1 on: 2017 October 01 10:40:58 »
Dear PixInsight,

And it would be very convinient if the whole BatchPreProcessing script can support autoselecting appropriate BIAS/DARKs not only by binning and exposure time, but also by temperature.

Because if you image an object for a month or even more you inevitably will get lights captured in quite wide interval of camera cooler temperatures (e.g. at -20, -25, -30 and -35C) and this gives a very wide interval of dark currents (doubles per every 6 grad) and need to use different darks for different lights.

Moscow, can you also upgrade the whole script to support this?

Best regards,

Offline moscow

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Re: BatchPreprocessing - store avg ccd themp in masters
« Reply #2 on: 2017 October 01 11:47:32 »
Moscow, can you also upgrade the whole script to support this?
Yup Boris, its possible. But it major upgrade and I could do it later.
And sure, want to include my diffs into new pix updates / version. It is main question for me at moment.

Offline moscow

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Re: BatchPreprocessing - store avg ccd themp in masters
« Reply #3 on: 2017 October 08 06:36:28 »
Done first stage by this pull-request: