Author Topic: LocalNormalization with different exposures  (Read 2248 times)

Offline ddahlstrom

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LocalNormalization with different exposures
« on: 2017 September 29 06:16:32 »
Just wondering what the best strategy is for using LocalNormalization with subs that have different exposures.  For my present project I have about thirty 2 minute subs and six 10 minute subs.  Is it advisable to perform LN on them all together, or to batch the exposures separately.  If together, I assume it is best to choose one of the longer exposure subs as the reference.

Offline Richard Christy - DarkSky|AP

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Re: LocalNormalization with different exposures
« Reply #1 on: 2017 November 08 19:57:36 »
I have tried both scenarios. And it depends on subject, filter and several other things fromwhat I can tell. However, with that far apart exp time between lights. I would bundle them up per exposure time +/- 5-10 sec and do it that way. you can try the defauly 128 setting. however, I have found that with my images I go with 256 and scale back from there.
Rich Christy

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