Author Topic: Possible bug with script documentation  (Read 899 times)

Offline Geoff

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Possible bug with script documentation
« on: 2017 September 27 00:57:07 »
If I open a script that has documentation (eg SubframeSelector) I can access the documentation.  I can close and reopen the documentation and the scrolling works as it should.  However once I close the script and reopen it and then try to access the documentation, the scrolling no longer works--I am stuck with the section of the window that opens.  The same problem arises if I try to access the documentation from any other script.  To summarise: if I have opened the documentation to a script (any script) and subsequently closed the script, I can no longer scroll the script documentation for this or any other script.

If I open another instance of PixInsight I once again am able to scroll the documentation window on the first go but not subsequently.

I am running the latest version of PixInsight on an MSI laptop running W10.

Documentation for processes is not affected.
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Possible bug with script documentation
« Reply #1 on: 2017 September 27 01:40:18 »
Hi Geoff,

Bug confirmed, thank you for reporting it. The documentation dialog gets disabled when closed and re-opened for some weird reason. I'll try to fix this issue in the next version.

For now, the workaround is reading script documentation on the Process Explorer window. Sorry for the trouble.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team