I am attempting to build a widefield mosaic (50mm) following the excellent tutorial by Steve Allan (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2r3ZYqCaP8). I have used this in the past and on this mosaic with fewer frames and it has worked without issue.
I am initially following the 'Register/Union mosaic' step and it works without issue:
https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtooZYq7lKxzgQuwhNBlfTOK5i3Vpart1_part2_part3.xisf is the 3 pane mosaic which I can get to MergeMosaic successfully.
part1_part2_part3_part5.xisf is the 4 pane (panel 4 is currently awol with cloud cover!) produced by the 'Register/Union mosaic' step.
When I attempt to run 'Register/Match images' including vega_33x120s_wsc_DBE.xisf it fails on this pane everytime.
I tried the mosaic by coords but this produced significant blurring.
Any ideas why this pane will reg/union but not reg/match and what I need to do to get this to MergeMosaic successfully?