Author Topic: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit  (Read 8742 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« on: 2009 May 14 07:36:20 »


the latest release also uses the ID of the source image for the target image.


Or a link to the ZIP:

This only works with PI 1.5. Let me know if you'd like the Linux version. It's a bit involved to build it so I'll only do it if people care.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline Thorsten Lockert

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #1 on: 2009 May 14 08:51:02 »
This only works with PI 1.5. Let me know if you'd like the Linux version. It's a bit involved to build it so I'll only do it if people care.

Mno... Mac version, however... ;-)


Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #2 on: 2009 May 14 12:52:45 »
Sorry, no Macs in this house. Once I clean up the code a little bit so I won't be embarrassed when Juan sees it I'll ask him to compile it for me. Ultimately this cross-platform is nice for PI users but a nightmare for people who want to develop and distribute their own modules. I suppose that's the advantage of the scripting interface.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline ManoloL

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #3 on: 2009 May 30 12:25:22 »

Hi Sander
I am beginning to use a QHY-8 and your module has allowed me to give color to the photos taken with the CCD, without having to go through the DSS.
Thank you.



Manolo L.

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #4 on: 2009 May 30 12:34:16 »

I'm glad you found it useful. In future versions I may add more advanced debayer techniques. The intent is to include it with PI 1.5.2 so we can get some more exposure and see what people think.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline Harry page

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #5 on: 2009 August 10 11:16:36 »
Hi Sander

Is there any plans to allow you to alter the channel weights in your debayer tool, I know CC helps a lot but I like to get things as close as possible to start with

Regards Harry
Harry Page

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #6 on: 2009 August 10 11:36:40 »
Hi Harry,

as a matter of principle I think it's a bad idea to weigh the channels during debayering because it's something that can be done easily later. I've seen too many people waste time trying to figure out the 'correct' ratios when it's so easy to adjust the histogram sliders to adjust color balance or to use more sophisticated tools like those PI provides. That said it's easy to add so I'll consider it for a future version. Don't want to dictate how people use my module :)


Edge HD 1100
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Offline Harry page

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #7 on: 2009 August 10 12:08:05 »
Hi Sander

I found out what weight to use fairley easily and sometime CC is not that easy to do ( Lack of stars and galaxys ) and personaly would find it of help
and would appreciate it, but I know your time is valuable and its a lot to ask

Regards Harry
Harry Page

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Debayer module compiled for 1.5, windows 32 bit
« Reply #8 on: 2009 August 14 08:19:27 »
Hi all,

In my CMYG deBayer script, I do allow the option of Background Neutralisation, Median Alignnent, and Colour Correction. This is because I feel that Image Integration 'works better' if the images are, fundamentaly, 'similar'.

That said, I found that performance in those conditions was better when I was relying on DSS for alignment and integration. Now, with the new 'power' of PI, these 'extra' steps during the deBayer stage may not be as necessary.

If I can ever find a few hours of spare time, what I need to do is create a side-by-side comparison, and see whether the extra 'in-process' effort is worthwhile.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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