Author Topic: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.  (Read 2570 times)


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Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« on: 2017 August 31 05:57:25 »
Hi Everyone.

I am struggling to integrate a complete MasterBias from my Canon 70D individual bias frames. I've taken fifty individual frames at ISO800 and 1/8000 shutter speed (cap on!) and each individual frame appears to look as I might expect (first image below). However, when I come to integrate the 50 frames using the settings in Keller or the LV tutorials I consistently get the second image after patiently waiting for 10 minutes. The odd things is that if I use the Batch Script to integrate my 25 lights + 50 bias and 30 of each dark and flat it produces a complete image.

Any advice/help would be really appreciated. I wanted to go the 'maual' route so I could produce a SuperBias which I don't think is produced by the script approach - or have I got that wrong.

Thank you in advance.


Offline DaveB

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Re: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« Reply #1 on: 2017 August 31 06:21:03 »
Maybe some of your images are rotated 90 degrees for some reason? That would result in a combined image that was square. Unlike dedicated astro cameras, DSLRs will detect the orientation of the camera when taking the images and it will adjust the orientation of the generated image accordingly.

Also, someone recommended to me that I *not* use a superbias. So I did a comparison of a master bias vs. a superbias, and he was correct - I much prefer the plain master bias. I took 100 bias frames in my test.


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Re: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« Reply #2 on: 2017 August 31 08:39:03 »
Hi DaveB,

Thank you for responding.

I thought as you that it was to do with the camera setting the orientation so I turned that feature off and I have carefully checked all of the subs to ensure the orientation is correct. I have had that problem in the past and when I load the individual subs into PI they appear rotated; this set of BIAS frames all appear ok.

What is odd is the fact that the script gets it right - the bias frame looks normal.

Maybe I should stop fretting and just use the script and take your advice and not use a SuperBias.

Thanks again for your help.


Offline John_Gill

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Re: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« Reply #3 on: 2017 August 31 23:13:10 »

Perhaps look at "Format Explorer" ---> "DSLR_RAW" ---> "Edit Preferences" ---> "Pure Raw" ---> "OK"

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Re: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« Reply #4 on: 2017 September 01 01:05:36 »
Hi John,

Thank you for your help. I'm a little confused though. I get as far as:

"Format Explorer" ---> "DSLR_RAW" ---> "Edit Preferences" --->
but then I get "True" and that appears to be it and it can't be changed/editied in any way - as far as I can see.

Sorry - am I missing something obvious?  :-[


Offline sharkmelley

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Re: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« Reply #5 on: 2017 September 01 01:29:14 »
Quote from: Adrenaline
Thank you for your help. I'm a little confused though. I get as far as:

"Format Explorer" ---> "DSLR_RAW" ---> "Edit Preferences" --->
but then I get "True" and that appears to be it and it can't be changed/editied in any way - as far as I can see.

Sorry - am I missing something obvious?  :-[

There's a button (bottom right) named "Edit Preferences".  Click on it ...

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Re: Incomplete MasterBIAS integration - help please.
« Reply #6 on: 2017 September 01 11:09:46 »
Hi Mark.

Well don't I feel a twit! The said button was hiding in amongst the Dock on my MacBookPro - as soon as I enable 'auto hide' on the Dock said button was revealed! How much more am I missing?

SO, followed your instructions and repeated the Bias frame integration and bingo! - one complete MasterBIAS. To be fair it doesn't look very pretty but at least it is complete. I went on to run the SuperBias process - out of interest - and that doesn't look very pretty either but I'll experiment and see if there is any difference when I use it.

Many thanks for revealing the hitherto hidden - a metaphor for the hobby in general!
