Hello all,
I'm going through old data as my skill with PI begins to slowly improve and am reprocessing stuff I took a while back with the hopes of combining several nights worth of images to create a single composite image. Problem is, I didn't realize I was going to do that when I took the individual pictures back all those months ago, and the images are significantly rotated with respect to each other.
Preprocessing takes care of most of that, but after DBE of the final drizzle integration, I'm left with a quite uneven background.
Any tips on how to fix it??
Here's a .jpg of the image after the following:
Calibration with master bias, dark, flat (taken each respective night)
cosmetic correction with the master dark (and auto)
Subframe selector to find the prettiest one to use as a reference for the rest
Then, with all the combined debayered images, I performed star alignment, local normalization, image integration, and then a drizzle integration.
All that's been done to this image after that is DBE and a histo stretch to save it as a .jpg to post here (with quite a few resamples to get it small enough to post).
I'm imaging on a Canon 70D DSLR with Astronomik's CLS filter and a Tak-106.
And I realize my focus sucks. I'm still working on that.
Thanks for your help!
(looking at it on my monitor in PI and again on this post. The version I have open in PI right now has the red edges on the left and right much brighter than the image included on this post)