Author Topic: Installing 1.8.5  (Read 1977 times)

Offline sreilly

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Installing 1.8.5
« on: 2017 August 03 07:27:21 »
Well I downloaded and installed 1.8.5 this morning and found that it installs to the same directory as previous builds so it overwrites those files. What wasn't indicated is whether there should be an uninstall of the older versions or not. It isn't an update so all settings are lost as best as I can tell. While it looks basically the same it does have a ton of new tools to play with so that should keep the average user busy and active on this forum. I did find that the old set of saved favorites icons can be loaded but made a new set with the most promising (to me) processes included to load on start-up like I did with previous builds.

I just wish I had thought ahead of time to write down or screen capture the older version settings I used before such as the scratch drives and preferences. It will just take a bit more time to track that down so not a big deal but maybe a warning that this new install will replace the older version so people will know before installing to save what they may have customized in earlier versions. Like I said though, your customized saved process icons will work in this new version once loaded.

Anything else need to be said about installing this newest version?

Looking forward to immersing myself in this newest release to discover what other wonderful and powerful tools we've been afforded.

Thanks to all who worked so hard to bring this program another step forward.

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