I am trying to do a simple calibration / align / integrate of 5 subs.
Calibration and alignment go fine.
When it starts the integration, it tries to read the first xxx_c_r.xisf file, and aborts because the file is open in another process. I don't have any other processes doing anything to the file, so I assume this is a PI process that hasn't released the registered file.
Is there a setting I am missing for this?
relevant section of Process Console:
* Begin integration of light frames
* Loaded cache: 4 item(s)
Opening files:
D:/Dropbox/BrewSky/Talk/PI Class/WorkFlow1/ExerciseBPP/SampleCalib/TestOutput/registered/HAlpha/RAW-FoxFur-HAlpha-900-S001-R001-C001-224157_c_r.xisf
*** Error: File I/O Error: Unable to open file: Win32 error (32): The process
: D:/Dropbox/BrewSky/Talk/PI Class/WorkFlow1/ExerciseBPP/SampleCalib/TestOutput/registered/HAlpha/RAW-FoxFur-HAlpha-900-S001-R001-C001-224157_c_r.xisfcannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
* End integration of light frames