Hi Rob,
I did the channel extraction on one of the files and it converts to 3 equal channels and I can delete two of them. The result though is a greyscale images, are these different to a truly 1 channel image?
When I then use LRGB combination, it only lets me use the circle (apply global) and not the square (apply) because with the 'apply' it says 'cannot do on greyscale images.
Also, with channel extraction, presumably I'm only using 1/3 of the data where the whole point was to have the all the pixels for each colour - I'm sure you agree.
At the data capture point I agree is the best way (if I can sort out how).
the target of an LRGBCombination process must be a 3-plane image. that's why it does not work.
again, what you should be doing is:
1) get the per-filter channel masters as 1-plane files, one way or another
2) combine the RGB masters into an RGB image (using ChannelCombination or Pixelmath)
3) process the RGB master (a 3-plane file) - needs to be stretched at some point in the processing.
4) process the L master (a 1-plane file) - needs to be stretched "similarly" to the RGB file during processing
5) enter the L master only in the LRGBCombination user interface
6) apply the LRGBCombination process to the RGB master.
the Panasonic sensor in your mallincam is mono, right? in which case there is only ever one set of pixel values. the capture program may be simply copying those values into each channel of a 3-channel tiff, but that does mean there's any more data to be had. so you're not losing anything by throwing away 2 channels. on the other hand, i'm not sure i've ever come across a capture program that does what yours is doing, so it bears some investigation.