Juan has suggested this may be in the master plan.
I think the Pixinsight would do better than most products out there and would really be added attraction to future owners of Pixinsight.
I think full work flow after acquistion should be considered.
1. Module to review and sort subframes. This could be done by manual review, automated or semiautomated methods.
Basically, we all need to sort the good from bad.
Measurements such as FWHM and SNR would be helpful.
2. Calibration module with a data base.
It would be nice to match up flat, dark, bias by the fits header paramenters.
The best approach is making a data base so we could select parameters
instrument, , bin, duration, date , angle rotation( flats), date,
For example, here is common acquistion sequence at my observatory
Finish an acquistion run over serveral nights , a week or a month apart.
It contains perhaps three objects.
Now lets make it complicated.
The scope has a field rotator.
One object is OIII, HA, SII narrow band, the others are LRGB
Subframes were acquired over many nights. Likewise the flats had be acquired at different times since I have so many filters and my shutter is slow.
Remember for my flats alone I have to acquired flats 3 objects, one using 3 filters and the other 4. I also have six position angles. That is 24 flat sets just to match up with various light frames/filters over multples nights!
Let us say it took me 5 nights to get the full image sets for each side of the meridan with the proper angle on these objects. I have a few flats from last month on two filters with same angle on some, the rest I got this month but it took 6 night to complete.
Now I need a way match up this mess!
My automation software does nice job of acquiring this image plan.
The fits headers contain the needed info including a plate solution with a position angle.
Now , I run the data base for one object " M100". The filter, temp, bin, dates, angles are ID from the hard drive. I can run the data base to select appropriate flats, darks, bias.
So far no software has done a really good job of making this easy. MaxIM DL has sort of done this half way but does not have a way to scan a HD and easy select images with various parameter such these accoss dates etc.
Max Mirot