Author Topic: PI on several machines - running / activating on 2nd PC fails  (Read 2626 times)

Offline Peter S

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several trials failed to install PI (commercial license) on a 2nd PC:
- uninstalled trial version of PI on 2nd PC
- copied the license file ("pixinsight-license.txt") to the root folder c:\
(earlier I copied to the folder C:\Users\<user-name>   :failed too)
- installed the downloaded file from pixinsight as administrator
...when starting PI online activation prompts

any suggests?
is the file extension "txt" the cause?

Windows 10 PC, 64 bit, root directory: c:\

Offline mcgillca

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Hi - just checked my installation.

pixinsight-license does not have a .txt extension, so that may be the problem.

Try removing.


Paramount MX
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Atik 460ex
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Peter,

Please see FAQ 2.10 to reactivate your license on a new machine:

is the file extension "txt" the cause?

Yes. The name of a PixInsight license file is pixinsight-license; pixinsight-license.txt refers to a different file. However, a license reactivation with FAQ 2.10 is usually the best way to use PixInsight on a new machine.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Peter S

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Colin & Juan: Thanks
reactivation was succesfull.

Another question (I posed in a different topic but was not realized as such, I suppose):

- analysing the sensor with the script "BasicCCDParameters" resulted in a

dark current: -1. # IO e/sec

Can anyone explain the expression and especially the units "# IO"?
