Try printing three large squares of colour onto a sheet of paper, one in pure Red, one in oure Green and one in pure Blue. Now, hold each of these - individually - over the camera aperture whilst pointing at a relatively 'white' light source, and take a RAW exposure
Load the threeimages into PixInsight and zoom into the top-left corner of each image. There you will see the individual pixels that make up the RAW (greyscale) Bayered image, as acquired through the Colour Filter Array (the CFA). The naming convention is something like "RGBG" which, in this example, would have the top-left pixel under a Red filter. Next pixel (to the right, but still on the top row) would be a Green pixel. Then, moving on to the second row, this CFA example would have a Blue pixel in the first column, and another Green pixel in the second column. This pattern then repeats over the entire image - and you can see that there are more Green pixels than Red or Blue pixels (not unusual for many CFA patterns).
So, if you are looking at the image through the Red sheet, the example above would have a much brighter pixel at the first column of the first row. Cobversely, the pixel immediately below this would be, relatively, much darker. On the Blue-exposed image, this situation should be completely reversed - darker first pixel of the first row with a brighter pixel at the start of the second row. Finally, the Green-exposed image should have pixels of a similar brightness as the second pixels on both the first and second rows.
Note: Just be sure that you have definitely zoomed to the maximum level possible, and that you have either panned or scrolled the whole way to the very top left of every image.
It is just possible that your imager is using a CFA that is not one of the four 'common' matrices that PixInsight can already deBayer - a future release of PixInsight (due shortly) will offer the 'missing' four. However, as I have no experience of your imager, all I can say is try the suggestions offered and see how you get on.
Don't hesitate to get back to us if you are still struggling.