Thanks for the input and interest. Rob, yeah, I read most of that background stuff too and it really seems to have gotten muddled over time. I did not go into all that in the write-up I did. Someone I asked to read it before posting thought (correctly so) that confused things and was too critical. So I dropped it.
On a cheerier note, in the wee hours of the morning the thoughts arose...I could use the separated background and emission line to reconstruct an estimate of what a 3nm Ha filter would see...or a 10nm filter...or any other. Then, I thought, what if I could use the L and R to estimate what some Ha filter would observe. I tried it and here's the skinny (attached with the reconstructed Ha on the left and the observed Ha on the right). Not bad! Maybe buying an Ha filter is not all that important? So I tried to get the emission line from the L and R. I guess it was a stretch too far, the results were so-so at best. (BTW, both attempts were through 'reverse engineering'.) Maybe a better, more complete model of the background sources and filter shapes would yield better results? maybe.
Thanks again, Alex Woronow