Author Topic: DynamicAlignment or Panoramas  (Read 1802 times)

Offline cameronleger

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DynamicAlignment or Panoramas
« on: 2017 May 25 14:23:01 »
I've read on a somewhat old thread that some nice updates to DynamicAlignment were in the works as well as a panorama tool. I'm diving into the trial of this tool and I might be naively optimistic about how I can use this for more than just astrophotography. I love creating panoramas and stacked-exposures, frequently together, and it would be wonderful to include this workflow in PixInsight considering how well it does with other stacking and registration tasks.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of open-source software, so PixInsight is a 'first' for me. I'm currently using Hugin for most of these tasks, and it's built from many command-line tools and can even be extended with other tools that do similar things. This is what gets me thinking, even if the effort is not on (re)creating features, how about the option to run other tools inside the PixInsight workflow?

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: DynamicAlignment or Panoramas
« Reply #1 on: 2017 May 25 16:27:42 »
You might need to be a little bit more 'specific'.

What examples of tools would you be interested in?

What processes are you implementing that you cannot find wuthin PixInsight?
Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
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Offline cameronleger

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Re: DynamicAlignment or Panoramas
« Reply #2 on: 2017 May 25 17:53:59 »
Hello Niall,
I think the main tool would be image registration that is not too specific to stars, and this might really be two tools: one to find matching features in a set of images and another to remap the images so that the overlapping features are aligned.

DynamicAlignment goes down this path, but it is largely manual and only works with a pair of images at a time.

As a comparison, with Hugin or PanoTools, an arbitrary number of images can be provided and there are a few algorithms to choose from that will generate matching feature points automatically (of course there can/will be manual point manipulation too). It would also handle geometric and photometric distortions to ensure the images align properly. Finally, it blends images spatially and by exposure.

My thought process is: since combining multiple images is normally a very important part of the astrophotography process, it might make sense to have alternative aligning solutions for slightly different tasks. Juan discussed some important pros/cons about what already exists in the thread I linked.

As far as specific tools go, the Hugin/PanoTools packages contain numerous tools to facilitate pano and HDR merging, but I think the important ones that are lacking here are: = detects interesting features in images = handles remapping including distortions